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Meaning of the icons in CAS and Launcher


The launcher as well as CAS/Build/Buy Menu have little icons next to clothing/objects/etc. Those icons give you an indication where the item came from.


The launcher has two different icons

EA Store CC

This lets you easily distinguish if something is a third party content or came from the Sims3 Store. Houses, worlds and Sims that you download from the Exchange or other sites are displayed as CC.

CAS/Build- & Buy Mode

CAS/Build and Buy Mode have some extra icons but the red flower that indicates cc does not display. All downloads that are installed through the launcher show as if they were bought in the Store.

No Icon

Clothing and objects without an icon are from the base game.

Base Game

Add-On Icon

Expansion Pack

Folder Icon

Folder icons can be package files, files that came directly with a Sim or something you saved ingame. There’s no way to distinguish between the three.

You should know what you created yourself though.

Saved in Game Came with a Sim Package-File

Store Icon

The Store Icon was supposed to be for Store items and all other Sims3Packs should have the red flower like presented in the launcher. For whatever reason all Sims3Packs are displayed with the Store Icon ingame.

EA Store Sims3Pack-Datei