
Patch 1.39

The new patch is available

Please take the necessary precautions before patching: What to do before patching

Patch Notes

(Source: EA


  • Zombies will no longer continue to spawn after a Full Moon ends when the game has been saved during a Full Moon. A new saved game must be created for this fix to take effect.
  • For more information about this patch, refer to:


Information on Twallan’s mods are here: State of the Mod. ErrorTrap needs updating (not done yet). The rest is fine.

There are no changes in the  GameplayData.package so tuning/XML mods do not need updating. Scripting mods need verifying, Core Mods need updating.

GameplayData.package Changes

(credits: SimAd)


Patch Downloader


Patch Links

Below you find the current patch links

Super Patch

Super Patch (All Regions), 1.1 GB

Incremental from 1.38

Make sure to download the right region. The last two digits of your base game version will tell you, your region.