Problems Bridgeport has quite a few issues and if you use the Late Night features in other towns, these problems can also occur there. Non-reachable routable areas Bridgeport has two almost unreachable areas that are marked as routable terrain for Sims. Since it’s almost impossible to get there, Sims try over and over to get there. Some even success but then get stuck there cause they can’t get back. Film career audition bug A bug in the game causes NPCs to be drawn to community lots if a active Sim has an audition there. They are still drawn to it…
Sim doesn’t go to work
Problem My Sim doesn’t go to work. The command disappears from the queue Sims go to their work place and then wave and rant about not being able to get in. My Stylist/Ghost Hunter/Architect can’t accept a job since they can’t reach the client Cause There are different causes for this error, depending what career you play and where. Corrupt work outfits prevent your Sim from going to work. Film stars get a random piece of clothing once they reach a certain level which is supposed to represent their role. These outfits are most often corrupted which leads to the…
Issues with Elevators
Problem My Sim is stuck in the elevator My Sim got stuck woohooing in the elevator My Sims all stand in front of the elevator but can’t get in cause they stand in each others way. My toddler can use the elevator. But only to go down The elevator never comes. My Sim misses work cause they need so much time with the elevator. Solution To reduce waiting times and jams, build a second elevator Reset stuck sims Mods Overwatch resets the elevators back to working condition Faster Loading and Moving of the Elevators helps with the waiting times Make…
Issues with ServiceNPCs
Problem Service NPCs cause of quite a few issues. General Cars are stuck in front of the house ServiceNPC is not showing up ServiceNPC is standing around doing nothing RoleNPCs constantly change which makes it difficult to fulfill opportunities. Butler 50 Butler at onces (and more) Gets stuck Lazy Doesn’t do as told Obsessed by elevator Never comes back Can’t be assigned a bed Maid Doesn’t do job Handyman Doesn’t repair stuff Doesn’t repair stuff from the junk yard Cause Some of the problems mentioned above are caused by stuck ServiceNPCs Lazyness has always been a problem. Some of them…