Store Premium content not working properly
Problem The moodlet which should be applied to my Sim using the Premium content is missing The Premium content is missing all Interactions My Sim resets when interacting with the Premium Content. Cause There’s a file called ccmerged.pacakge inside the DCBackup folder which is installed/updated each time you install a premium content via Sims3Pack. This file contains important information about the Premium content. DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE. Unfortunately this file can also become corrupted over time. Conflict with a third-party Store Fix Maybe some trait or skill level prevents the content to work correctly. Solution Do not delete ccmerged.package If…
Sim can’t use bed
Problem My Sim won’t sleep in their bed. They stand in front of it and waves as if something was in the way or they’re just teleported away. Cause All Sims that sleep when you install a new patch/add-on are reset from their beds. In some cases this causes the beds to become corrupt. Twallan’s SleepFreedom Mod can corrupt your bed (and Sim) if you don’t uninstall it properly Since Patch 1.22 corrupt sleep outfits and stuck Hover Bed moodlet can cause this. Sims that are in a relationship with another Sims that is currently out of town (Boarding school,…
Mood Lamp – A source for Issues
Problem My Sim does not have the option to Try for Baby. They do have a Woohoo Option but try for baby is missing. My Sim can’t travel. The option is gray My Sim does not age up. Cake does not work and they won’t age automatically either. My Sim can’t change his appearance. I can’t save my Sim to the library The mood lamp made my Sim have a different color but it never goes away. Cause All this issue has one reason: The Sim has a moodlet from the mood lamp and because of this they are not allowed…
Moodlets don’t go away
Problem (Negative) Moodlet don’t go away (hunted moodlet, Disgusted moodlet etc) although there’s no reason for them Cause Disgusted Check your inventory for spoiled food or garbage Leave the house and go to a community lot. If the moodlet goes away and comes back when you go back to your house, you have something in the house that bothers them. Check your garbage, potties, other Sims and hover over the moodlet to get a clue what might be wrong. Hunted: This moodlet tends to stay although there’s no vampire around anymore. Transformation moodlet from Mood Lamp Solution Moodlets can be…
Constant Bad Mood
Problem My sims mood is always red although all their needs are green and they only have positive moodlets Cause This is probably caused by the well-rested moodlet, which is bugged since Patch 1.18/2.13/3.9/4.6/5.4/6.1. The beds for which this moodlet is supposed to give less than +25 Mood, seem to actually make your mood worse, beds over +25 can have them have a constant good mood. Only the ones that give out +25 exactly seem to work correctly. Workarounds Buy your sims good beds (use a cheat if you don’t have enough money, it’s not really cheating). The ones that…