Installed Downloads don’t appear ingame
Problem The Downloads I installed can’t be found anywhere in my game Solution This can have several reasons Sims3pack Files Follow instructions here: Install Sims3Packs Make sure you did not just download but also install them. Make sure the files have not uninstalled themselves again. If a creator has used package files in their creation, you won’t get those automatically. Because of this, the Sim or house you’ve downloaded from the Exchange can look different in your game. Package Files Follow instructions here: Install Package files Subfolders are only recognized if your resource file is set up to support them.…
Meaning of the icons in CAS and Launcher
Introduction The launcher as well as CAS/Build/Buy Menu have little icons next to clothing/objects/etc. Those icons give you an indication where the item came from. Launcher The launcher has two different icons EA Store CC This lets you easily distinguish if something is a third party content or came from the Sims3 Store. Houses, worlds and Sims that you download from the Exchange or other sites are displayed as CC. CAS/Build- & Buy Mode CAS/Build and Buy Mode have some extra icons but the red flower that indicates cc does not display. All downloads that are installed through the launcher…
How to find a certain download in your Launcher
Problem When you download houses or Sims from the Exchange and other sites, a lot of stuff is coming with those. The bigger the file, the more extra CC is included with the download. Those can be faulty or you just don’t like them and just want to get rid of them. Most of them will be in your launcher and you will need to uninstall them. Unfortunately they are not always easy to find. Solution The best method is to check everything first. Check them with Custard and get rid of everything you don’t want. You can also do…
Remove Sims3Packs
Introduction Removing Sims3Pack files from your computer is a simple task but it can become quite time consuming. If you want to remove a lot of downloads it can happen that the launcher acts up and you have to start over checking items and to find one specific download can become quite difficult. Because of this, it pays to pay attention on WHAT you are installing in the first place. Especially houses and sims can contain a lot of other downloads. Further Reading Sims3Packs to Packages How do I install Custom Content/ Mods ? How to keep a Sim but…
Convert Sims3Packs to Packages
Introduction A Sims3Pack is actually some sort of container/archive for package files (similar to files inside a zipped archive). To get to the files that are within a Sims3Pack, you have two options: Install the file through the launcher as usual and find the extracted files in the DCBackup folder afterwards (sort by date for easier find, they have cryptic names) Use Delphy’s Multi Sims3Pack Extractor. Multi Sims3Pack Extractor Installation Installation instructions can be found in the Overview page of the tool Usage Copy all sims3pack files that you want to convert in a folder of your choice (in the picture…
How do I install Custom Content/ Mods ?
Introduction There are different file types: Sims3Packs, Sims and Package files. Sims3Packs Files Installed via your Launcher by double clicking on the file. For detailed instructions see here: Install Sims3Packs. Sim Files Sims that you will later find in CAS. You have to manually move them to the SavedSims folder in your [user data directory]. Package Files Installed in the mods folder in your [user data directory]. You do not have this folder by default and have to set that up manually (you will also need an extra file). Instructions for this can be found here: Installing Sims 3 Package…
Delphy’s Custard
Introduction CleanInstaller (aka Custard) by Delphy (MTS) can help you analyze your Sims3Packs and get rid of any extra stuff that comes with it. If you want to change the Sims3Packs in any way, I recommend working on a copy of it, so that you can try a second time, if something goes wrong. Custard can only analyze one Sims3Pack at the time and only the ones that are NOT installed. Not all errors are shown by Custard as error, which makes it important to know, what you are looking for.
Downloads that are attached to Sims directly
Problem This problem is getting wider and wider spread since LN came out. The extra CC does not come as a extra package-file that can be removed with Custard and that shows in your Launcher but it’s ‘glued’ to the Package file of the Sim itself. Custard will show you, if a Sim has a CC like that, but only one such CC will be shown. It’s entirely possible that other CC comes along with those Sims. Downloads that come like this can not be found in your Launcher! Identification in Custard So far, I’ve seen skins (does not show…
Corrupt (Not a DBPF) / Bad Download / Bad Index
Problem There is always one package that has a bad index or is a bad download. Asking Delphy about is, that was his answer Basically, I define a “bad download” as “it’s a DBPF but it can’t be read”. Specifically it’s talking about the fact that the index offset points *outside* the bounds of the file. Which obviously is corrupted. This differs from a bad index, which is when the index itself exists, but had bad or invalid compression flags. (Which can be fixed). Once such an download is encountered, the rest of the package files is completely messed-up. They…