Those are in this blog commonly used abbreviations and terms
- AMB: Ambitsions. 2nd Expansion Pack
- BB = Barnacle Bay: Extra world that can be bought in the Sims 3 Store
- Backup: A copy of a file/ folder to recover lost data later.
- Bug: A Error in the game (also called glitch)
- BP = Bridgeport: World that came with Late Night
- Cache-Files: Files where information is stored for faster processing. Those files are created anew if deleted.
- CAW = Create-a-World: Tool to create your own worlds
- CAS = Create-a-Sim or Create-a-Style
- CC = Custom Content: Third-party content for your game.
- CDT = Crash to Desktop: When your game closes without a warning
- CoreMods: Mods that change the game files directly. You can only have on Core Mod in your game (exceptions possible)
- Dashboard: Tool by Delphy that helps you identify faulty custom content.
- DL = Downloads: Stuff you download for your game.
- EADM: EA Download Manager
- EP: Expansionpack
- FL = Fast Lane: Second Stuff Pack
- Gen = Generations, Fourth Expansion Pack.
- Hacks or Mods: 3rd party tools that change the behavior of your game.
- HEL = High End Loft Stuff: First Stuff Pack
- HS = Hidden Springs: Extra world that can be bought in the Sims 3 Store
- Installation folder: Folder where your game is installed to. This was determined while installing the game.
- LN: Late Night. Third Expansion Pack
- Log/ Log Files: Protocol of what happend.
- MC = MasterController = Mod by Twallan
- Mods or Hacks: 3rd party tools that change the behavior of your game.
- MTS – ModTheSims: Website, that has lots of good tutorials, downlaods and help
- OLS = Outdoor Living: 3rd stuff pack
- Patch: Update of the game that usually help remove bugs.
- Plumbob: The green ‘thing’ that hangs above a active sims. The Sims trademark.
- RabbitHole: Building where you can’t see the inside, like the school, store or City Hall
- Registry: Part of Windows. All important stuff concerning your OS is stored here. See Wiki.
- RV = Riverview = World that can be downloaded for free from the Sims 3 Store.
- SCRAP = Create-a-Pet
- Scripting Mods: Mods that are programed to add extra code to your game. They usually add it trough a new or existing object. Usually no conflicts with other mods.
- SP = StoryProgression = Mod by Twallan
- Savegame: The current state of you game when it was saved last.
- SV = Sunset Valley = World that came with the base game.
- TB = Twinbrooks = World that came with Ambitions
- TS2, TS3: Sims 2 or Sims 3
- TSR – The Sims Resource: Webseite with Tools and download (part of it pay) and forum.
- Tuning Mods: Mods that change the XML files that come with the game. They usually conflict with each other if the change the same file.
- User Data Folder: Folder where your user specific data can be found.
- Vanilla Game: Game that is played without mods or cc.
- WA: World Adventure. First Expansion Pack