Why are comments off ?
I turned comments off for this blog for I do not have the time to help here. This blog is just supposed to be a reference. If you need help, please refer to a forum. There are many good ones around. Links can be found in the link list.
Where can I get help ?
Unfortunately the blog is not the place for individual help. Find a forum and ask your questions there. I mostly give individual help at EA’s AHQ (Login with your Origin Account)
What do you mean by … ?
Check my Glossary to see if it’s explained there.
Does help here cost anything or do I have to register ?
No, help here is completely free. You do not have to register at all.
If you do feel you must absolutely give me something to say thank you, I suggest you find a good charity and donate something to them.
How can I contact you ?
You can contact me via Email (privately) or through Twitter (publicly) if you have any concerns about this blog. Game questions are issues are neither answered by PM or email,
May I link to this blog ?
Yes, of course. Just don’t expect me to link back. I will only link to other help sites and my favorite modders. You are also welcome to copy sections or translate to another language but credits are a nice thing, especially if you just copy/paste stuff. I try to give them where I can.
May I use your pictures ?
You may, but please don’t hotlink them. Copy them to your own space and link that. Try to give credits where possible. If a picture is not by me, credits are given where I know them.
Please read …
.. my Disclaimer
.. my Privacy Policy