Spiral Staircases don’t work anymore
Problem The interactions use stairs is missing My sims takes to stairs to go up but can’t go back down anymore My sims can’t use the stairs at all anymore Cause Patch 1.26 made the interaction disappear. As soon as you install Pets, it’s back, but only if you are on the same lot as the stairs. Since Patch 1.26, existing spiral staircases tend to be a bit wonkey. Solutions Sims can use the stairs if the interaction is available or not. Just click on a square next to the stairs and they will go up/down. In most cases, it’s…
Imaginary Friend Problems
Problem The interactions sing and play are being canceled. I can’t get rid of that stupid doll Cause Those interactions only seem to work if they are used from the inventory. If you cue them after each other they are being canceled and the IF is placed back into the inventory. The IF cannot be deleted Solution Only choose the interactions from the inventory Have the child bury it in the sand box or make him real and then kill
Sim can’t go to after school activities
Problem I have enrolled my Sim to an after school activity but when he’s supposed to go there, he can’t Cause This problem is caused by field trips. Since a Sim that is on a field trip is excused from after school activities, they don’t participate in them on such days. Unfortunately there’s a bug and the field trip state doesn’t reset so that they are now permanently on an field trip. Solution Move your Sim out and back in Traveling might reset the flag as well Don’t accept field trip opportunities. Mods that solve the issue Reset everything on…
Boarding School Troubles
Problem I enrolled my Sim in boarding school but he either never left or was back home shortly after. Unfortunatly he still shows as at boarding school but won’t go back. My teen came home for the prom but now he doesn’t go back to boarding school although he still shows as enrolled. Solution Delete your sim with the cheat moveObjects on. After that he should be back in boarding school. Make sure to backup your game before doing this in case the Sim disappears completely with this Mod that helps with the problem Reset lot or reset everything on…