Problems Bridgeport has quite a few issues and if you use the Late Night features in other towns, these problems can also occur there. Non-reachable routable areas Bridgeport has two almost unreachable areas that are marked as routable terrain for Sims. Since it’s almost impossible to get there, Sims try over and over to get there. Some even success but then get stuck there cause they can’t get back. Film career audition bug A bug in the game causes NPCs to be drawn to community lots if a active Sim has an audition there. They are still drawn to it…
Sim wakes up because of other Sim (loud object)
Problem Every time my goes to bed, all other Sims already sleeping wake up. Sims in the same room with this Sim have the enjoying music moodlet and can’t sleep because of a loud object. Cause Sims that prevent others from sleeping are most often in a band. The game thinks they’re still playing music. Solution Let the Sim sleep in another room Give the Sims that have to sleep in the same room the trait Heavy Sleeper Let the Sim play another instrument Reset the Sim Move the Sim out and back in via edit town. Further Reading Sim…
Issues with Elevators
Problem My Sim is stuck in the elevator My Sim got stuck woohooing in the elevator My Sims all stand in front of the elevator but can’t get in cause they stand in each others way. My toddler can use the elevator. But only to go down The elevator never comes. My Sim misses work cause they need so much time with the elevator. Solution To reduce waiting times and jams, build a second elevator Reset stuck sims Mods Overwatch resets the elevators back to working condition Faster Loading and Moving of the Elevators helps with the waiting times Make…
Professional bars don’t work
Problem My sim can’t order anything from the professional bar. He’s jumping back Cause Seems Patch 1.55 broke professional bars in existing games There could be more factors. Solution Replace the bar with a new one from the buy menu.
Sim wakes up every morning at 4 am
Problem My Sim is waking up at 4 o’clock in the morning every day. I can send him back to sleep after that but it’s getting on my nerves anyways. Cause This bug is probably caused by the opening hours of some bars. If your Sims stays at those bars until closing, he can get this bug. It’s actually not only sleeping that gets interrupted at 4 am but everything the Sim is doing at that moment. Solution Move your Sim out and back in and he’ll be cured.
Invisible Sims
Problem My sim returned from vacation and now all other Sims are invisible. I only see their thought bubbles and I can’t interact with them Some Sims are invisible. I see their plumbob when they are active but I can’t click on them. My Sim is invisible and it looks like the are underground. Their though bubbles and microphones are hovering above ground My baby is invisible Cause There are a few cloth that can be the reason for that. Babies usually turn invisible if you remove a bad download that has made them look like a pole. Teens and…