• News

    In Preparation for Into The Future

    Into the Future is almost upon us, so time for me to make this post. I do recommend to backup all your stuff, most importantly the DCCache folder and the Saves folder. Most of the things stated here: What to do before patching do still apply. Installing the EP will reset all your Sims so for example not being in a vacation town or at Uni at the time, reduces the changes of game corruption. If you want to be on the safe side, also remove your mods/custom content. Start a new game after the installation. Get a feeling for what’s new. If…

  • News

    In Preparation for Island Paradise

    Island Paradise is almost upon us, so time for me to make this post. I do recommend to backup all your stuff, most importantly the DCCache folder and the Saves folder. Most of the things stated here: What to do before patching do still apply. Installing the EP will reset all your Sims so for example not being in a vacation town orat the time, reduces the changes of game corruption. If you want to be on the safe side, also remove your mods/custom content. Start a new game after the installation. Get a feeling for what’s new. If you want to continue…

  • Bugs,  News

    Precautions for University Life

    Introduction After a week of doing the Bug Thread at the official Sims 3 forum, I have to say that UL has some major bugs that make the game unplayable for many. I did fear this could happen, since EA did recycle their fault WA code. There are more reasons for the problems many are facing but a few were identified by now What precautions should you take ? Especially if you have a savegame that you have been playing forever, you should make a backup before installing UL or at least before you go to university for the first…

  • News

    In Preparation for University Life

    University Life is almost upon us, so time for me to make this post. I do recommend to backup all your stuff, most importantly the DCCache folder and the Saves folder. Most of the things stated here: What to do before patching do still apply. Installing the EP will reset all your Sims so for example not being in a vacation town at the time, reduces the changes of game corruption. If you want to be on the safe side, also remove your mods/custom content. Start a new game after the installation. Get a feeling for what’s new. If you want to continue…

  • News

    In Preparation for Seasons

    Seasons is almost upon us, so time for me to make this post. Since we got the patch very early this time, there is no need to go through the whole mod ordeal again unless EA gives us another patch which is unclear at this point. I do recommend to backup all your stuff, most importantly the DCCache folder and the Saves folder. Most of the things stated here: What to do before patching do still apply. Installing the EP will reset all your Sims so for example not being in a vacation town at the time, reduces the changes of game corruption.…

  • News

    In Preperation for Supernatural

    Supernatural is out now. Since we got the patch early there is no need to do the whole Mods thing again. Updated for patch 1.38 means updated for the EP.  Backing up your stuff is always a good idea though! The Patch As every Expansion pack, supernatural will come with a patch (why oh why did I not check the game version at the Gamescom ?). The Patch 1.38 is already available for download. Which changes are coming with the patch, is not clear yet but my assumptions are: Population Control Collection Journal More Ingame Store Ads New items in BuyDebug…

  • News

    In Preperation for Pets

    In less then a week, most of you will have the new EPs, either available through download or as a physical copy in your hands. Before installing the EP you should follow the steps described here: What to do before patching. It is important that you backup your user data (including your downloads, installed content and save games. Backing up your Stuff Copy the entire user file directory, most importantly the following folders/files: Saves –> these are all your savegames DCCache –> these is all your custom content (including store content), that you installed through the launcher except houses/sims/households Downloads…