Known Bugs with solutions or workarounds
Sim leaves school
Problem My Sim goes to school but is then reset to next to the building. I can send him over and over and over. Happens all the time. Cause Kids and teens that have one parent not living in the neighborhood are affected by this bug if they get an A in school. The kids try to tell their parents about their good grade but since one of the parents doesn’t live in the neighborhood, they can’t. The bug can occur under the following circumstances: One parent lives in a foreign country One parent has moved away One parent died…
Delete-Button in CAS does not work
Problem I have a few downloads in my game I no longer want, so I would like to delete those. Unfortunately the Delete-Button is gray and I can’t delete it. Solution Unfortunately it’s not possible to delete downloads directly from within the game. You will need to uninstall them through the launcher or delete them from your mods folder. See this for details: Remove Sims3Packs. The Delete-Button ingame only works for ingame created content (which would be Recolors, Patterns and Tattoos). Further Reading How to find a certain download in your Launcher
Sim can’t use bed
Problem My Sim won’t sleep in their bed. They stand in front of it and waves as if something was in the way or they’re just teleported away. Cause All Sims that sleep when you install a new patch/add-on are reset from their beds. In some cases this causes the beds to become corrupt. Twallan’s SleepFreedom Mod can corrupt your bed (and Sim) if you don’t uninstall it properly Since Patch 1.22 corrupt sleep outfits and stuck Hover Bed moodlet can cause this. Sims that are in a relationship with another Sims that is currently out of town (Boarding school,…
Can’t get rid of Simport Entries
Problem I have a stuck tour entry in my tour book although my Sim has been back for a while and got his stamp. This is taking up valuable space. Cause This happens if something went wrong while simporting. Solutions Method 1 End all of your gigs and make sure all your Sims are back home. Save your game (use save as and save under a new name) and go to the main menu Start a new game in Starlight Shores Choose any household to play Go to your Simport Tour Book. The entries should be gone now. It’s possible that…
Weird Career-Outfits
Problem My Sim is not wearing their Standard Outfit but something random My Sim runs around naked Cause Seit Patch 1.31 you can add custom career outfits to your Sims Your Sim is assigned a random career outfit instead of the standard one, depending on what your Sim did last before starting a new career (Naked if they took a shower, graduation robe if they just graduated, ..) The lab table adds an extra career outfit to your Sim every time they use it. Solution Add a second career outfit to your Sim and go back to the game. Then…
Objects disappear from Inventory
Problem Things disappear from my Inventory when I change the active household I’m missing stuff (have extra stuff) when I come back from University/Traveling/the Future Cause This is not a bug but EA wanted this to be this way. There’s a daily routing that cleans out the inventory and all inactive fridges. Since the travel system is very unstable, it can happen that stuff disappears (or appears) from your inventory after traveling. Solution EA has changed the routine. This should not happen anymore. There are still a few objects that get cleaned out this way. Leave everything you don’t need…
Plumbots loose their trait chips
Problem My plumbot lost all their trait chips Cause There’s multiple causes for this bug Splitting a household and putting the plumbot to the new family will make them have a last name which they did not have before. This makes them loose their trait chips. ServiceNPCs and homeless plumbots that are put in hibernation loose their trait chips. Reset on older Versions of MasterController, ErrorTrap and Overwatch delete the chips. Solution Make sure to use the newest versions of the mods Don’t invest on putting trait chips into ServiceNPCs and homeless Plumbots
Issues with Steady Gigs
Problem I can’t cancel my steady gigs I don’t get a message or map tag for a steady gig that is supposed to take place My Sim is supposed to have a steady gig but I can’t get an option to set up the stage. Cause The main reason for all kinds of issues with the steady gigs are the proprietors that change all the time. A steady gig is not bound to a venue but to a proprietor. Because of this the entry for the steady gig is not disappearing from your list but it’s not valid either. Another…
Issues with Elevators
Problem My Sim is stuck in the elevator My Sim got stuck woohooing in the elevator My Sims all stand in front of the elevator but can’t get in cause they stand in each others way. My toddler can use the elevator. But only to go down The elevator never comes. My Sim misses work cause they need so much time with the elevator. Solution To reduce waiting times and jams, build a second elevator Reset stuck sims Mods Overwatch resets the elevators back to working condition Faster Loading and Moving of the Elevators helps with the waiting times Make…
Issues with ServiceNPCs
Problem Service NPCs cause of quite a few issues. General Cars are stuck in front of the house ServiceNPC is not showing up ServiceNPC is standing around doing nothing RoleNPCs constantly change which makes it difficult to fulfill opportunities. Butler 50 Butler at onces (and more) Gets stuck Lazy Doesn’t do as told Obsessed by elevator Never comes back Can’t be assigned a bed Maid Doesn’t do job Handyman Doesn’t repair stuff Doesn’t repair stuff from the junk yard Cause Some of the problems mentioned above are caused by stuck ServiceNPCs Lazyness has always been a problem. Some of them…