Issues with ServiceNPCs
Service NPCs cause of quite a few issues.
- Cars are stuck in front of the house
- ServiceNPC is not showing up
- ServiceNPC is standing around doing nothing
- RoleNPCs constantly change which makes it difficult to fulfill opportunities.
- 50 Butler at onces (and more)
- Gets stuck
- Lazy
- Doesn’t do as told
- Obsessed by elevator
- Never comes back
- Can’t be assigned a bed
- Doesn’t do job
- Doesn’t repair stuff
- Doesn’t repair stuff from the junk yard
- Some of the problems mentioned above are caused by stuck ServiceNPCs
- Lazyness has always been a problem. Some of them are better than others.
- ServiceNPCs now live in apartment buildings. People report issues if such a Sim is your neighbor.
- Einige der oben genannten Probleme kommen daher, dass die Sims irgendwo feststecken.
- The handy man was never supposed to repair stuff from the junk yard. It was a bug that was fixed.
How to get rid of a butler you can’t find ?
- Open the cheat console with ctl-shift-c
- Type: testingcheatsenabled true .
- Move the relationship to the butler all the way down. This will cause him to call and quit
- Open the cheat console with ctl-shift-c
- Type: testingcheatsenabled true .