Sim leaves school
Problem My Sim goes to school but is then reset to next to the building. I can send him over and over and over. Happens all the time. Cause Kids and teens that have one parent not living in the neighborhood are affected by this bug if they get an A in school. The kids try to tell their parents about their good grade but since one of the parents doesn’t live in the neighborhood, they can’t. The bug can occur under the following circumstances: One parent lives in a foreign country One parent has moved away One parent died…
Issues with Elevators
Problem My Sim is stuck in the elevator My Sim got stuck woohooing in the elevator My Sims all stand in front of the elevator but can’t get in cause they stand in each others way. My toddler can use the elevator. But only to go down The elevator never comes. My Sim misses work cause they need so much time with the elevator. Solution To reduce waiting times and jams, build a second elevator Reset stuck sims Mods Overwatch resets the elevators back to working condition Faster Loading and Moving of the Elevators helps with the waiting times Make…
Interaction with the crib gets canceled
Problem My Sims try to interact with a baby or toddler that’s inside a crib. The Interaction is canceled Cause The most common cause for this is if the baby is bugged/corrupted. There’s nothing wrong with the crib itself. Solution Reset the baby/toddler Interact with the crib to take the baby out. After that you should be able to interact with the baby/toddler again. Move the crib to make sure nothing is in the way Delete the crib and buy a new one. Mods that help with the problem Use MasterController to reset the baby/toddler
Toddler Object from the Store don’t work
Problem The Playpen and the Walker reset the toddler Cause The problem occurs if the toddler use the following interactions and already have maxed out their skills Play with Abacus (Playpen) Play with Mirror (Playpen) Play (Walker) Solution None Mods that help with the issue FIX for Walker and Playpen Reset Bug – V2 by Nona Mena
Can’t download Game from Origin
Problem I’m trying to download a game from Origin but when it reaches a certain percentage, it goes back to a lower percentage. This constantly loops and I can’t download the game. I get Error 7049:408 when I try to download my game Solution There’s a new beta version of Origin that addresses this issue. Try these steps Launch Origin and log in with your account Click Origin in the top left (main menu) Select Application Settings From General tab, scroll down to Update to the beta version if available and tick the check box Restart Origin Also make sure that…
Sim resets when exploring an underwater cave
Problem My Sim resets when he explores a underwater cave while scuba diving My Sim resets when he woohooing in a underwater cave Cause Unclear. Seems to have some connection to the tentacles showing. Solution In most cases you can just retry and it will work. The moodlet can be removed with a cheat so that you don’t have to wait for 2 hours If it still doesn’t work, try the following (although it seems this has to be done over and over) Go to Edit Town Press ctl-shift-c Type testingCheatsenabled true and hit ENTER Press ctl-shift-c Type enablelotlocking true…
Sim can’t use Online Dating System
Problem My Sim can’t check his messages. He’s reset My Sim can’t check the online profiles of other Sims. He’s reset Cause The Sim resets, if you have a message/profile of a Sim that no longer exists in your town Sims can leave your town for the following reasons They move away They were deleted manually or through a mod (especially for homeless sims and ServiceNPCs) Sim went missing Dead Sims are only an issue if their tombstone was removed from the world Solution Delete your Sims online profile and create a new one. This removes all invalid messages/profiles Mod…
Mailbox doesn’t work
Problem My Sim has mail but when he tries to get the mail/bills out of the mailbox, he’s reset and I can’t find anything new in his inventory My Sim has mail but in his inventory, there’s only stuck omni-plants and bills My Sim does not receive any bills anymore Cause With the new attraction system, Sims get new gifts and love letters almost every day. If there’s a gift in the mailbox from a Sim that no longer exists in the world, your Sim will be reset and the content stays inside the mail box. Wedding gifts and other…
Sim can’t use the diving board
Problem My sim wanted to use the diving board but instead of doing so, he resets Cause Sims always had a diving skill. It’s a hidden skill that increases when your sim jumps into the water from the side of the pool. With the new board they’ve changed the skill to only have 2 levels when it had 5 before. Because of this, existing Sims with a skill higher than 2, reset. Solution None Mods that help with the issue Use MasterController to set your Sims diving skill to 2 or lower Twallan will be adding a fix to Overwatch…
Sims can’t collect or analyze Space Rocks
Problem My sim wanted to collect space rocks but instead of doing so, he resets Cause Seasons brings us Aliens and it seems they still have something to do with the space rocks. Unfortunately EA missed to handle the code correctly if the EP is not present which leads to the jumping. Solution This should be solved once you install seasons. I don’t have a solution for you if you don’t plan on getting it. Mods that help with the issue Overwatch solves the issue with V83 or higher Further Reading Sims reset / jump out of actions Sims can’t…