Ingame Store
Introduction The ingame store is a feature which lets you buy Store content from within the game. Since patch 1.29 you also get special deals directly inside the Build and Buy mode as well as in CAS Steps To be able to use the ingame store, you need to turn it on first. Activation You can set the ingame store in two ways. You can either check the option Enable Shop Mode in the options in game or you can turn it on/off in the options: Open the file [user data directory]\Options.ini with notepad (or any other editor) Search for…
New Feature – Featured Sets
What’s it about Patch 1.36 brings us a new Store-Set Feature. What looks like more ingame store advertisement at first glance is actually a nifty new feature – a collection folder for your Store Sets. Ingame Store enabled If you play your game with the Ingame Store enabled, the new feature hast two purposes Advertisement for Store Sets which you can buy directly in game. According to EA they will have sets on sale here that are not on sale on the page. Store Sets you own as collections (see below) Ingame Store disabled If you play with the Ingame…
Preventing of Ingame-Store-Pictures
Introduction Patch 1.29 extended to the ingame store. Besides the already introduced functionality, the user now sees offers for selected items directly in build/buy and CAS mode. On top of that around 250 MBs worth of pictures is downloaded to your computer without your knowledge. Luckily there is a way to prevent both from showing without having to close the Internet connection. The pictures are being loaded into the folder [user data directory]\FeaturedItems. Make that folder read-only so the pictures can’t be written. If you don’t have that folder yet, simply create one. The ingame store should work as intended,…
Ingame advertisement crashes game
Problem It seems the new ingame advertisement (read all about it here: 1.29 Patch Triggers In-Game Advertising/Purchasing and here: Discontinued Sets + Freebies in Buy Mode & CAS!) now makes many games crash. Cause What happens is, that the game downloads many pictures to a new folder called featuredItems. Those pictures are probably used to be displayed ingame and I suspect one or more of those are corrupted. When those pictures are downloaded to the folder, the game crashes. Once you do get your game to work (took 3 attempts for me until it would load), it will crash/freeze in…