Uninstall Sims3Packs – Method by Mell
- Make a backup of your DCCache folder (if anything doesn’t go as expected)
- Move all files *.dbc to your desktop
- Move dcdb0.dbc back to your DCCache folder
- Start the Launcher
- Go to Installed Content and uninstall everything you don’t want anymore
- Close the Launcher
- Remove the dcdb0.dbc file from the DCCache and store it in a safe place.
- Move the dcdb1.dbc in the DCCache and rename it to dcdb0.dbc.
- Start the launcher and proceed with step 5 and 6 again.
- Rename dcdb0.dbc back to dcdb1.dbc and store it also at that safe place
- Do this for every DBC file in the DCCache Folder. Make sure to rename the files to their original name.
- Once your done, move the cleaned files back to your DCCache folder and you’re done.
Please not that if you want to do the same for Store Content, you need to do the same for the *.ebc files