
Patch 1.42

The new patch is available. This seems to be the Seasons Patch already.

Please take the necessary precautions before patching: What to do before patching

Patch Notes

(Source: EA

Base Game Updates

  • Greeting Cards feature has been added. Sims can take a picture using the Greeting Card feature and share it on, Facebook, or Twitter.
  • Attraction System has been added. This is a new initial romantic system that provides bonuses to socialization and romance when the Sim is attracted by certain attributes.
  • Sims can now swim in the ocean.
  • Diving Board object has been added to Build Mode.
  • Blueprint tool has been added to Buy/Build Mode. User’s may quickly place down furnished rooms with this tool.
  • Resolved Player Profile and Wall issue where clicking on a user’s name brought up a blank profile.
  • Badges earned by completing achievements will now appear on your MyPage on
  • The moon’s glow on the UI will no longer appear when starting a new game without The Sims 3 Supernatural installed.

World Adventures Updates

  • Fixed an issue where fish placed in the Sims inventory will no longer disappear when Sims travel back from a vacation world.
  • Fixed an issue where sound was getting dropped out when Sims are learning a song.

Pets Updates

  • Fixed a galloping animation issue with Horses that has level 10 Racing skill.

Showtime Updates

  • Sims must now have some positive relationship before asking other Sims to take photos in the “Gigi Photo Booth”.

Supernatural Updates

  • Saving and loading during a full moon cycle before 6pm will no longer cause the moon cycle to skip forward.
  • Feral Change buff will now expire for werewolf on various lunar cycle settings.
  • Addressed an animation issue in the Smustle dance.
  • Toadified Sims will route fail less often when trying to eat flies on counters or large tables.
  • Writing fiction book will display proper text.
  • Fairy children will no longer stretch into adult size when using the “Talk to Plant” interaction.
  • Fixed an issue where Woohoo in the Gypsy Caravan wish is not fulfilled when Sims Woohoo in the Gypsy Caravan.
  • Improved routing issues with the Fairy House.
  • Sending an elixir from the household inventory to a friend now fulfills the “Send an Elixir to a Friend” wish.
  • The “Gift of Giving” buff and Lifetime Happiness Points are now given when gifting an elixir from the household inventory.
  • When gifting an elixir from the household inventory only one elixir is sent instead of two.
  • Wall post will be created when a user opens a mystery gift containing Simoleons.
  • Create-A-Sim UI flow fixed so that the use can no longer access other Create-A-Sim menus while eye color picker is still open.
  • Fairy Bloom interaction will now work with the Omni Plant from The Sims 3 base game.
  • Sims that were turned into SimBots via an elixir will no longer revert back to human form after WooHoo in the Gypsy Caravan.
  • Fixed issues with Supernatural children genetics.
  • “Sweeten Up” interaction can now be completed on Birthday Inferno Cake.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting werewolf to transform while being struck by a witch’s fire blast.
  • Fixed flickering issue on objects after performing the “Midas Touch” interaction.
  • “Midas Touch” interaction will now be able to turn a zombie into a statue.
  • Fixed an issue with conversion spells turning inexpensive items into expensive items.
  • Fixed an issue when trying to buy a SimBot with Lifetime Happiness Points.
  • Turning off the “Spectrum Mood Lamp” will now properly return Sims to their original color.

Store Updates

  • Fixed a potential crash with the launcher that could occur after uninstalling Lucky Palms.
  • Fixed an issue where Store Set icons would appear incorrectly in the Organize Collections pop-up window.
  • Worlds can now be purchased on the Main Menu.


Information on Twallan’s mods are here: State of the Mod. 

Many files have been altered so many mods need updating. Make sure to check with the creators.

State of the Mods list from other creators

  • Bluegenjutsu
  • Chicken0895
  • Shimrod
  • TFM


  • NoMemory Mod –> Updated. Tool still works but you will need to update the file you made with it
  • NoMosaic –> Update
  • Effect Tool –> Broken, needs updating
GameplayData.package Changes

(credits: SimAd)

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A3BF61C9AF4285C1 Balloons
9E9ABEF15D8AD4D9 BeExtinguished_Sim
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196861BE84939A71 Buffs
1E16E32B50CD86B8 BuryObject_Sandbox
DC0D299F04BB3773 Career_0xdc0d299f04bb3773
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ADC6556AE7378632 CastFireBlast_CastSpel
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3913F4A30298E524 CatShredNewspaper_Newspaper
F72FC207315A91B6 CatchFlies_0xf72fc207315a91b6
5B84617A1665A253 ChallengeSets
AE06EB1DE556EF2B ChallengeSimToAGameOfDominoes_DominoTable
CC9223D663E67120 ChallengeSimToGameOfChess_ChessTable
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8C0A61F7C3C4F547 CheckSelfOutInMirror_Mirror
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B8E7742C9E3619BE Cleanup_BuffetTable
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C06A47523C51F376 CrystalBall+CrystalBallGift_0xc06a47523c51f376
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25BC06223371B60C Dance_DanceFloor
3E8BF8370BE24453 DaycareCustomerGift_0x3e8bf8370be24453
362E86A8A4E7565A Daycare_0x362e86a8a4e7565a
28035F2EE2C258DC Dive_DiveWell
CA9AC5895BDC6692 DnPDefaultIcons
5CB3FB0CFD2FCF96 DoJump_GameObject
2E59BC18FFA0BA05 DreamNodeInstanceDefaults
B67B426E698EDD03 DreamsAndPromisesManager_0xb67b426e698edd03
9A976C90ECC75C81 DreamsAndPromisesNodes
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6A799CA81C15E750 DrinkAndReact_Glass
0CC88D3366C30E2B DrinkCoffee_CoffeeMachine
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06A3313D2915F249 DrinkPotion_MagicCauldronRegency
E45DAEC700129E0D EatIceCreamMorsel_IceCreamItem
2045EDE145788DAD EatOutsideAlone_Bistro
F4F8BFC29167493D EatOutsideWithOthers_Bistro
036AE231DD80CCF6 EatOutside_Bistro
F3FFD9EE5AEB7C14 EditCollectionDialog_0xf3ffd9ee5aeb7c14
7A84D428332935BD EnterPetBed_PetBedSmall
1AF7DD68D39E4D04 ExtinguishSelf_DiveWell
9B4BB532A18CFBB8 FireworksBigBooms_0x9b4bb532a18cfbb8
11643901F5C1C1C2 GameplayInitializers
71BBAFC2BB6085C7 Genetics_0x71bbafc2bb6085c7
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679094421D521D95 GetOutOfPool_Pool
1B2F7BFB2FE2DE19 GoToPicnic_IPicnicObject
4E35F695CF1E5D2E GrabFavoriteFood_BuffetTable
156F522C4E1ED156 GrabFood_BuffetTable
15834131E1228090 GrabPlate_PicnicBasket
311B1FB64CFC9361 GrabPlate_PicnicTable_PicnicBasket
69F66BAA006DA22B Grillable_Grill_Grillable
B32380F0E24D0591 HackTable_BlackjackTable
01C72DD8C04F8304 HangOutOn_Sandbox
FEDB456E8428527F HarvestPlant+EatFromHarvestPlantPet_0xfedb456e8428527f
95ED64B47614E7BD HaveSome_IceCreamMaker
BD4E3BCE6A8B0CA1 HideInKittyBag_KittyBag
5553B49BD5FF2BC0 HotFoot_VoodooDoll
6A44ED3FE8ED504D HotTubBase_0x6a44ed3fe8ed504d
A86CF4492539F402 IceCreamTruckManager_0xa86cf4492539f402
422B1BC3D3D90835 IceCreamTruck_0x422b1bc3d3d90835
547CBB82CE695C3E Idles
918403294B7A0B63 Ingredients
A3B185C555C7A9F7 Inventing
BAAB3D95EEA15F2E JobsAndTasks
CEF65FF27DEE262B JoinBrawl_BarBrawlJig
AD248258B525755E JoinPoolGame_PoolTable
C7256F644A14CC60 Join_HopscotchCourt
12875B48D7385219 Join_PinballMachine
CA198D00B2A484BD Join_Shuffleboard
B51C281EED2692D9 KickGnome_GardenGnome
9459704F54B4E4F3 KickOver_Flamingo
EFF56EB0BE7A40D9 KnockOver_TrashcanOutside
6461BA7D92B0F321 LaunchSeveral_FireworksBigBooms
5216D82CAFC25BDD Launch_FireworksBigBooms
A2B227687D8B93D4 LieDownPet_PetBedSmall
7F4B733B28814551 LightFire_FirePit
56D5D8668F256897 LightFire_Fireplace
81AE957FC8546062 LookOutWindow_Windows
66E02479706B771A Lot_0x66e02479706b771a
E1551D5D8055BDFD MagicWand+CastConvert_0xe1551d5d8055bdfd
8C6BB7F8C7DB06C6 MapTags
83EFF5AD79269490 Meteor_0x83eff5ad79269490
F8D47557A2E45D9E Motive_0xf8d47557a2e45d9e
08CB212AFA111A92 Motives
B56101E9CA0B1309 Motives_0xb56101e9ca0b1309
47928BF88A95BD53 Notifications
1D845318317FFD35 NpcRoles
0F70831C50A68894 ObjectCategoryData
202A90D4F12A59E0 Occupation_0x202a90d4f12a59e0
E905A5903ECCD475 OrderIceCream_IceCreamTruck
C7594E551128D5AC PerformForTips_PoolTable
F538B1461A6B636C PerformOn_GiantRingOfFire
E4888390BDA9ACCE PerformTrickShot_PoolTable
4E3AD2D984CC523F PetStartleBehavior
3A75BE0770DAC2A5 Phone+CallToTakeUnpaidTimeOff_0x3a75be0770dac2a5
2F08DF83990E2E76 PhotoBooth_0x2f08df83990e2e76
8B614033DD63DBF2 Photography
5F66C204E5DA53DA PicnicAutonomously_GameObject
D2DAA8B8E789F61A Plant_0xd2daa8b8e789f61a
D9C59893373DEB17 Plants
4B4FBE54FC793D58 PlayBlackjack_BlackjackTable
0E249865E73B6B78 PlayChessWithDeath_ChessTable
506A9A7E2BB5930C PlayChessWith_ChessTable
7A8841E004330846 PlayDominoesWith_DominoTable
BFFD0FF8EEDF6B62 PlayDominoes_DominoTable
993AE7BACCF52F74 PlayFoosballInteraction_FoosballTable
D9CA291BA8948615 PlayGameWith_CocktailTableArcadeMachine
C4531D4504F10DED PlayGame_CocktailTableArcadeMachine
30DF73BDA6018E4C PlayOn_Sandbox
456029692B86D2C9 PlayPoolAlone_PoolTable
B9F2E0034C6A344A PlayPoolWith_PoolTable
C6A30E561B2AAA02 PlayPool_PoolTable
C4196EE30626763F PlayWithFire_Fireplace
365BD97F83A66894 PlayWithSprinkler_Sprinkler
25BAB9557CABA337 PlayWith_PinballMachine
2AAA8BD6776F3763 PlayWith_Shuffleboard
90C5355F2E869A0B Play_PinballMachine
F2D44147C02D395F Play_Shuffleboard
C58A7B6BFDCC6436 PokeFireInteraction_Fireplace
BE7A0CE71B82070C PokeFire_FirePit
0EEBB2EC650BBCBE PostWorldInitializers
9F127862EF491A0D PracticeChess_ChessTable
213C8CC1DA971F65 PracticeGolf_DrivingRangeGolfTee
000FCE4136286930 PracticeTrickShot_PoolTable
705D6810DDD8A493 PreWorldInitializers
C804E72F531C6AAD RecipeMasterList
A3D1E68D0AEB9106 Register
5DA0F93630CE52D4 Relationship_0x5da0f93630ce52d4
06637176149E1F26 RelaxForAWhile_ChairLounge
3C96012BFB86EA39 Relax_HotTubBase
3C00B6217474C5C7 RentScheduler_0x3c00b6217474c5c7
061A9CED0E4ADA07 RoastMarshmallow_FirePit
3FC441F703927E94 RomanceVisibilityState_0x3fc441f703927e94
5800865F98E90872 SabotageTable_BlackjackTable
910C951CFD921DD1 School_0x910c951cfd921dd1
56FFCC3F42FFD90C ScienceLab_0x56ffcc3f42ffd90c
1387F11073B4A86B Serve_BuffetTable
35B73F0BC1820BB1 Serve_PicnicBasket
AABECA9937CD70B0 SetBoobyTrap_IBoobyTrapExtended
66C6DCFEF579E415 ShakeWaterOff_Sim
CB55D25153978EDD Shopping
2F781FBC26BB4D8A SimDescription_0x2f781fbc26bb4d8a
7728186024B1EDCE SimRoutingComponent_0x7728186024b1edce
BCCBC0480683938B SimUtils_0xbccbc0480683938b
A29571C6F77AA18D Sim_0xa29571c6f77aa18d
A08DBAB8DD576A8A SitDown_PicnicBasket
BD73244B794CBACF Sleep_BeachTowel
7B2FEC8A0FDCE9B7 Slide_SlippySlide
50B229A0C636C136 SocialData_BaseGame
4A58252EEA3C6B09 SocialData_EP1
4A58252EEA3C6B0A SocialData_EP2
4A58252EEA3C6B0B SocialData_EP3
4A58252EEA3C6B0C SocialData_EP4
4A58252EEA3C6B0D SocialData_EP5
4A58252EEA3C6B0E SocialData_EP6
4A58252EEA3C6B0F SocialData_EP7
4B0FC8F0A28B12EF Socializing
178E012A12CBD1D8 SocializingActionAvailability
DA434D6DB8E5DC8C Splash_Sim
3C18C0DE65EC32C9 Stereo
D77B1CF3E56201DB Stereo_0xd77b1cf3e56201db
AF77E096D861B1DF SwimAround_Pool
08325407B4EB17E7 TV
7EC6D0168B45F923 TakeBath_BathtubClawfoot
7FA85EA9E5AA22F5 TakeBath_BathtubDarkLux
47163F4B6ACEB61B TakeBath_BathtubModern
07DED54B6F9F1BA8 TakeBath_BathtubRanch
C3D77C313331754D TakeBath_BathtubRectangle
77B622F2BB3A0D1B TakeBath_BathtubRomatic
C9780FDF2FBB5B9D TakeBath_BathtubShowerModern
5CDD4F28DC2B9C65 TakeBath_BathtubValue
452120E6689F04BB TakeBath_CornerBathtub
67B3F33A4A85EDB9 TakeBubbleBath_BathtubClawfoot
B0612DCF3BC4401B TakeBubbleBath_BathtubDarkLux
7599D4F621DB7FE9 TakeBubbleBath_BathtubModern
E8D2BCE102BC7EB2 TakeBubbleBath_BathtubRanch
2210F3610BA551C3 TakeBubbleBath_BathtubRectangle
F3DD2ED4A3F3CB21 TakeBubbleBath_BathtubRomantic
11757DFBC33C6933 TakeBubbleBath_BathtubShowerModern
BF00C2C21F0C5CE7 TakeBubbleBath_BathtubValue
34BD1E5D5079FD89 TakeBubbleBath_CornerBathtub
5D5C458F1302B12C TakeShower_BathtubShowerModern
50F8EF09E2C7F92C TakeTurn_HopscotchCourt
CD30F07272884C56 Terrain+WerewolfHuntTerrain_0xcd30f07272884c56
C4E3FD010A0B7DB0 TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0
905E2204EBCAC0B6 Traits
8DDD909787D302FC TryForBabyInShower_IShowerable
7E72564A5517D9C6 TurnOn_Sprinkler
D5A3D6982DCA30A3 Tutorial
31F630BAE702DF7F UpgradableComponent
14C166293CD50B89 Venues
4C7A674B7C6E73FD WaitToHop_HopscotchCourt
69315AF2B89C0EB3 WaitToSlide_SlippySlide
07B6502987894FCC Wait_Shuffleboard
94A19DB6F19463F4 WarmSelf_Fireplace
5D8FDC78DB963A0D WatchTable_BlackjackTable
5519422FD31B1DA5 Watch_ChessTable
4ABCDC448424AAF3 Watch_DominoTable
1B52EF0E4C489DD0 Watch_PinballMachine
360BC78103871772 WeddingGift_0x360bc78103871772
D3A14F10E225F4C5 WooHooInShower_IShowerable
32933C89C7A80171 WorkOut_Treadmill
6ADBBA2302D40938 WorkOut_WorkoutBench
5D8A2447F727B385 skills_store

Patch Downloader

Is updated

Patch Links

Below you find the current patch links

Super Patch

Super Patch (All Regions), 1.1 GB

Incremental from 1.39

Make sure to download the right region. The last two digits of your base game version will tell you, your region.


Game Help:TS3 Patching/Patch Download OSX

New features

Since this is the Seasons patch, there are a few new features already included. I did not check them all out so for more details see here: Seasons Patch 1.42 – New Features & Options

Diving Board

You can find the diving board in  Build Mode – Pool and yes – I’m loving it.

CAS – EP filters

You can now filter your CAS content by EPs like you already can with your build/buy items.

Options – Disable Memories

Finally you won’t need a mod anymore to turn off memories. With the new feature you can decide if you don’t want to disable the memories, just the notifications or nothing at all.

Be aware that this feature won’t delete existing memories.

There’s an issue with this feature. Although it shows disabled from the beginning it isn’t really. You will need to choose another option first and then go back to disabled. Saving might also help.

More Obnoxious Store Advertisement

We can now buy worlds from the main menu directly. If you have the  ingame store turned off, you won’t get it.

Problem with this new  feature is that some see worlds they have already bought and also if you have the standard edition, you will still get the gold edition as available to buy.

Greeting Cards

You can now post Greeting Cards on your (or your friends wall). To do so, go to the school, town hall or science facility where you have to option to take a photo for the greeting card.

The Sims will actually go to the rabbithole, it will then take a moment and then you’ll get the option to upload the greeting card to your wall.

Blue Print Modus

With this modus you can now place pre-made rooms.


The new version of CAW has many issues. If you’re building a world, it’s best to not update atm.

See this thread for details: Save Issues with Supernatural and Seasons CAW: Discussion and research thread


Please report all bugs here: Seasons Bug Thread

  • Sims reset when using the telescope
  • Sims don’t move in after getting married