How do I reset my Sim and what does that do ?
Sims often get stuck or get stuck in an animation. The easiest solution is to reset the Sim
Resetting a Sim drops every action/ animation his currently doing and puts him back to his own lot. His skills, relations etc are untouched by this action.
There are several ways to do this:
Reset a single Sim
- Open the cheat window with ctl-shift-c
- Type the following text: resetsim Firstname LastName (FirstName Lastname being the name of the Sim you want to reset).
Reset a lot
- Go to Edit Town mode
- Choose the lot you want to reset
- Change into Build or Buy mode
- All Sims on that lot will be transfered home.
You can also use Twallan’s MasterController Mod for this by clicking on the lot and choose NRaas – MasterController – Reset Lot
Resetting the whole neighborhood
With a Mod
If your game is getting all lagging and you think that you have a Sim stuck somewhere but can’t find him, use Twallan’s MasterController Mod. Click on City Hall (or a Computer) and choose the option NRaas – MasterController – Town – Reset Everything.
Without a Mod
- Open the cheat window with ctl-shift-c
- Type the following text: resetsim *
Twallan’s option is a little different for it resets every object in town and is also a bit more invasive. The resetsim wildcard only resets every Sim in town. Use the cheat to only get rid of stuck Sims.